What Is Skin Pigmentation?
Pigmentation is basically defined as dark color dots, spots or patches on your face or body. It is a skin condition due to the overproduction of melanin pigments in your skin. Pigmentation is very common in Singapore due to its intense hot weather! Besides sun exposure, pigmentation can also be caused by genetics, hormonal changes, infection, age, or medical conditions. Many people feel self-conscious about their pigmentation, which is usually very noticeable on their face, especially the cheeks or nose area.
Common Types Of Pigmentation
Pigmentation problems are a common concern among many people. Pico laser has emerged as an effective solution to tackle various pigmentation conditions. There are a few treatments including Pico laser that is designed to remove excess pigmentation in the skin and can effectively address various types of pigmentation, including melasma, freckles, solar lentigos, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Freckles are common in Asian individuals and are associated with sun exposure. Usually appear as small round brown spots on the face and shoulders, commonly seen on the bridge of the nose or cheeks. Freckles can sometimes be bothersome because they tend to grow darker during summer time when there is increased exposure to UV rays. Freckles are common for younger people.
Solar Lentigo
Solar Lentigo is similar to freckles but more well-shaped and larger in size. These growths typically occur in areas exposed to the sun including face, hands and arms but can develop on other parts of the body as well. Gradually, solar lentigo can be developed from freckles due to sun exposure, but are harmless.
Melasma is the darkening of the skin tone due to uneven pigment production. Commonly seen as patches on both sides of the cheeks or forehead and often happens to middle-aged, asian women of darker skin types. Melasma is usually related to age, genetics, hormonal imbalance such as pregnancy or underlying thyroid disease, and sun exposure.
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is seen after skin injury, infection, or inflammation. Commonly due to acne or eczema, the discoloration of the skin follows as it is the skin’s natural healing response to inflammation. PIH can be temporary and fade off after a few months or become permanent on your skin, depending on individual.
Hori’s Nevus
Hori’s nevus is an acquired benign dermal melanocytosis, commonly seen as a cluster of dark bluish-grey patchy and spotty pigmentation on the cheeks, nose or forehead. This condition is often seen almost exclusively in middle-aged asian women and it can be inherited from family members.
Nevus of Ota
Nevus of Ota is a type of dermal melanocytosis (excessive melanocytes in the tissues), it is commonly seen as a bluish or brownish patches of pigmentation that appears in the areas of your face controlled by your trigeminal nerve. Affected areas are usually the skin around your eye area, temple, cheeks, forehead and nose.
How To Treat Skin Pigmentation?
It differs from person to person as no one has the same skin pigmentation, and thus a single solution will not work effectively on all types of discoloration in your skin.
Pico Laser
We use FDA and CE approved Pico Laser to target the pigments in your skin. Pico Laser fires at ultra-short picosecond pulses to reach the skin and uses unique focus lens that concentrate laser to produce micro injuries under your skin at the treatment area without damaging the surrounding skin. This results in minimal downtime and side effects. Settings can be adjust to cater to different types of skin pigmentation. Preparation for Pico Laser is easy and convenient.
V Pigment Laser
For V Pigment Laser we use FDA and CE approved 1064nm NdYag (Q-Switched) laser to for pigmentation removal. Q-Switched Laser fires at nanoseconds, it is able to regenerate heat energy to rejuvenate skin while removing superfical pigmentation. Q-switch laser has an additional effect of killing off P.acnes bacteria, which is the main cause of acne.
Depigmentation Creams
Apart from laser treatments, Medical-Grade Depigmentation Creams are used to improve pigmentation. We provide FDA-approved Cyspera Cysteamine Pigment Corrector, a topical medication for pigmentation removal. It is formulated with cysteamine and free of hydroquinone to improve the appearance of stubborn discoloration such as Melasma. Cysteamine is naturally present in human skin cells to regulates melanin synthesis in the skin.